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CPU Test results (19/03/2002, 23:36:06)
System:Microsoft® Windows 2000 Professional Version 5.0 (Build 2195 : Service Pack 2, RC 2.124)
CPU:VIA Samuel 2, Current clock 670 MHz, L2 cache 64 K
Memory:187936K total, 108620K free
Display mode:1024 x 768 @75 Hz, 32bpp
Viewport size:100 x 75 percent
Dynamic camera:No
Offscreen rendering:No
Renderer Instruction Set:FPU + General MMX
Shadows:Yes, quality
Test start/stop frames:10 / 70
Solver Instuction Set:FPU
Testing Model:Model1
Math Solving Time:3.12874 (19.50 fps)
Prerendering time:0.314107 (194.20 fps)
Rendering time:52.7785 (1.16 fps)
Number of rendered frames:61 (1.08 fps)
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